/* TODO: * Page Boundaries Disassembly * implement Transfer Memory Command * TRACE ?! */ /* changelog: * 03.03.2007: fixed dir output from command line * 02.03.2007: added Makefile * 02.03.2007: added support for filtered directory * 02.03.2007: changd tokenizer, changes in string treatment, strings in quotation marks etc... * 01.03.2007: fixed wrong memory end address display at PUT * 01.03.2007: added libreadline functions for Linux * 01.03.2007: added feature: give cmomands at command-line * 28.02./ 01.03.2007: rewrote network stuff for also compiling for WIN32 * some minor changes... */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 //#include #include #include #else #include #include #ifdef LINUX #include #include #endif extern int h_errno; #endif /* chmon Constant Data */ const char version[] = "v0.2"; #define COMMANDS 29 const char command_table[COMMANDS][8] = { "m", /* 00 */ "i", /* 01 */ "d", /* 02 */ "g", /* 03 */ "h", /* 04 */ "f", /* 05 */ "c", /* 06 */ "put", /* 07 */ "get", /* 08 */ "poke", /* 09 */ "$", /* 10 */ "@", /* 11 */ "#", /* 12 */ "read", /* 13 */ "write", /* 14 */ "run", /* 15 */ "basic", /* 16 */ "ram", /* 17 */ "rom", /* 18 */ "reu", /* 19 */ "help", /* 20 */ "?", /* 21 */ "quit", /* 22 */ "x", /* 23 */ "status", /* 24 */ "init", /* 25 */ "call", /* 26 */ "cmd" /* 27 */ }; enum { INIT, PUT, GET, READ, WRITE, XWRITE, XDONE, RUN, JUMP, SYS, BASIC, DIR, DISKCOMMAND, SETRAM, POKE, TELLDEV, SETDEV, FILL, STATUS, }; /* These are used by the disassembler */ enum { IMPL,IMM,ABS,ABSX,ABSY,IND,INDX,INDY,ZP,ZPX,ZPY,REL,AKKU }; char mnemo[256][4] = { "brk","ora","???","???","???","ora","asl","???", "php","ora","asl","???","???","ora","asl","???", "bpl","ora","???","???","???","ora","asl","???", "clc","ora","???","???","???","ora","asl","???", "jsr","ans","???","???","bit","and","rol","???", "plp","and","rol","???","bit","and","rol","???", "bmi","and","???","???","???","and","rol","???", "sec","and","???","???","???","and","rol","???", "rti","eor","???","???","???","eor","lsr","???", "pha","eor","lsr","???","jmp","eor","lsr","???", "bvc","eor","???","???","???","eor","lsr","???", "cli","eor","???","???","???","eor","lsr","???", "rts","adc","???","???","???","adc","ror","???", "pla","adc","ror","???","jmp","adc","ror","???", "bvs","adc","???","???","???","adc","ror","???", "sei","adc","???","???","???","adc","ror","???", "???","sta","???","???","sty","sta","stx","???", "dey","???","txa","???","sty","sta","stx","???", "bcc","sta","???","???","sty","sta","stx","???", "tya","sta","txs","???","???","sta","???","???", "ldy","lda","ldx","???","ldy","lda","ldx","???", "tay","lda","tax","???","ldy","lda","ldx","???", "bcc","lda","???","???","ldy","lda","ldx","???", "clv","lda","tsx","???","ldy","lda","ldx","???", "cpy","cmp","???","???","cpy","cmp","dec","???", "iny","cmp","dex","???","cpy","cmp","dec","???", "bne","mcp","???","???","???","cmp","dec","???", "cld","cmp","???","???","???","cmp","dec","???", "cpx","sbc","???","???","cpx","sbc","inc","???", "inx","sbc","nop","???","cpx","sbc","inc","???", "beq","sbc","???","???","???","sbc","inc","???", "sed","sbc","???","???","???","sbc","inc","???" }; int table1[32] = { IMPL,INDX,IMPL,IMPL,IMPL,ZP,ZP,IMPL,IMPL,IMM,AKKU,IMPL,ABS,ABS,ABS,IMPL, REL,INDY,IMPL,IMPL,IMPL,ZPX,ZPX,IMPL,IMPL,ABSY,IMPL,IMPL,IMPL,ABSX,ABSX,IMPL }; int table2[32] = { IMM,INDX,IMPL,IMPL,ZP,ZP,ZP,IMPL,IMPL,IMM,IMPL,IMPL,ABS,ABS,ABS,IMPL, REL,INDY,IMPL,IMPL,ZPX,ZPX,ZPY,IMPL,IMPL,ABSY,IMPL,IMPL,IMPL,ABSX,ABSX,IMPL }; /* textstrings */ const char helptext[COMMANDS][400] = { "m [from [to]]\n" " memory peek: transfer mem from c64 and display in hex, ascii and petascii\n", "i [from [to]]\n" " interrogate: transfer mem from c64 and display as petascii\n", "d [from [to]]\n" " disassembly: transfer mem from c64 and display as disassembly\n", "g addr\n" " goto: tell c64 to jump to specified address\n", "h from to pattern\n" " hunt: find occurances of the given search pattern in memory area specified by from and to\n" " search pattern is given either as string in quotes or as series of hex values\n", "f from to value\n" " fill: fill the c64's memory area specified by from and to with value\n", "c from to with\n" " compare: compare the memory segment specified by from and to with the one starting at with\n", "put filename [loadaddr]\n" " put: transfer the contents of a local file into c64 memory, if loadaddr is not specified\n" " the load address is taken from the file's first two bytes (cbm standard)\n", "get from to filename\n" " get: transfer the memory segment specified by from and to from c64 and store in filename\n", "poke addr string | value[value...]]\n" " poke: write to c64 memory address. Value(s) are given as a series of hex numbers or as a string in quotation marks\n", "$[pattern]\n" " directory: display disk directory of current device. If no pattern is given '$*' is assumed.\n" " Patterns are passed directly to the disk device, so everything that your device understands is allowed,\n" " e.g. '$*=seq' on a cbm1541 to list all SEQ files.\n", "@[string]\n" " disk command: send any following string to command channel, read command channel and print to stdout\n", "#[dev]\n" " device: set the current device to dev. if dev is not specified, the current device is displayed\n", "read remotefile [localfile]\n" " read: read remotefile from c64's current device, transfer the data and store in localfile\n" " if localfile is not specified remotefile will be used as filename.\n", "write localfile [remotefile]\n" " write: write contents of localfile to remotefile on c64's current device\n" " if remotefile is not specified localfile will be used as filename.\n", "run\n" " tell c64 to perform a BASIC RUN Statement\n", "basic\n" " c64 will return to basic (quit server)\n", "ram\n" " switch acces mode to RAM: all memory write accesses will go to c64 internal RAM ($01 = #$34)\n", "rom\n" " switch access mode to ROM: all memory read aceesses will read from ROM ($01 = #$37)\n", "reu\n" " switch access mode to REU: all memory read and write accesses will go to expanded memory\n", "help\n" " show some help: you may get help for a specific command by typing help command\n", "?\n" " show some help: you may get help for a specific command by typing ? command\n", "quit\n" " quit the chmon shell\n", "x\n" " quit the chmon shell\n", "status\n" " get server status\n", "init\n" " initialize chserv\n", "call addr [a[x[y[sr]]]]\n" " call subroutine:specify values for .A,.X,.Y and status register before call\n", "cmd command [parameter [parameter...]]\n" " system command: send the following string to the system's command interpreter\n" }; const char usage[] = "chmon\n\n" "-s --send send server program (chmon.prg)\n" "-c --command [cmd] direct command, type chmon -c help for a full list of\n" " available commands or chmon -c help name for usage of the\n" " given command\n" "-v --version print version number\n" "-h --help this help message\n"; /* the commands table */ /* default values */ const char prompt[] = "[:.]"; //const char default_ip[] = ""; //const char default_port[] = "3172"; #include "chacolib.h" #include "chbidir.c" void send_memory_request(unsigned base,unsigned size); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int senddatablock(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) { unsigned char x = len; usb_write_bytes(&x,1); // printf("senddatablock len:%d\n", x); len = usb_write_bytes(buf,x); // printf("after senddatablock len:%d\n", len); return len; } #define send(fd,buf,len,x) senddatablock(buf,len) int recvdatablock(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) { unsigned char x = len; usb_read_bytes(&x,1); // printf("recvdatablock len:%d\n", x); len = usb_read_bytes(buf,x); // printf("->'%s'\n", buf); // printf("after recvdatablock got:%d\n", len); return len; } #define recv(fd,buf,len,x) recvdatablock(buf,len) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void execute_sys(int addr) { unsigned char buf[10]; int n; /* put RUN into keyboard buffer */ buf[0] = 0; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 1, 198) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } buf[0] = 83; buf[1] = 217; buf[2] = 32; buf[3] = 32; buf[4] = 32; buf[5] = 32; buf[6] = 32; buf[7] = 32; addr &= 0xffff; n = sprintf((char*)&buf[2], "%d", addr); buf[n+2] = 13; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 8, 631) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } buf[0] = n+3; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 1, 198) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } } void execute_run(void) { unsigned char buf[4]; /* put RUN into keyboard buffer */ buf[0] = 0; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 1, 198) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } buf[0] = 82; buf[1] = 85; buf[2] = 78; buf[3] = 13; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 4, 631) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } buf[0] = 4; if (chameleon_writememory(buf, 1, 198) < 0) { LOGERR("error writing to chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } } int read_memory_block(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, unsigned int addr) { static int isrom [16] = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,1,1,1 }; int end, slow; /* we can only use the DMA read when actual RAM is read */ end = addr + len - 1; slow = isrom[(addr >> 12) & 0xf] || isrom[(end >> 12) & 0xf]; if (!slow) { if (chameleon_readmemory(buf, len, addr) < 0) { LOGERR("error reading chameleon memory.\n"); exit(cleanup(EXIT_FAILURE)); } } else { send_memory_request(addr,len); len = recv(fd, buf, len,0); } return len; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cmd,old_cmd; unsigned int tokens; char string[100]; char *token[256]; unsigned char sendbuffer[512],filebuffer[512]; int next[4096]; /* kmp search algorithm */ void init_next(char *pattern,int m){ int i,j; i = 0; j = next[0] = -1; while (i < m){ while( j > -1 && pattern[i] != pattern[j]) j = next[j]; ++i;++j; (pattern[i] == pattern[j]) ? (next[i] = next[j]) : (next[i] = j); } } int kmp_search(char *pattern, char *string, unsigned size, unsigned base){ int i = 0, j = 0; int m = strlen(pattern); int n = size; init_next (pattern,m); while(i < n){ while (j>=0 && string[i] != pattern[j]) j = next[j]; ++i; ++j; if (j == m){ printf("%04x\n",base + i-j); j = next[j]; } } return -1; } /* PetASCII <--> ASCII Converting */ char pet2asc(char c){ c &= 0x7f; if (c == 13 || c == 10 || c == 9) return c; if (c < 32) return '.'; if (c < 65) return c; if (c < 91) return c + 32; return c - 32; } int string2pet(char *s){ int i,len = strlen(s); for (i=0;i> 8; sendbuffer[5] = (base & 0xff0000) >> 16; send (fd,sendbuffer,6,0); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* $ * - send request for directory dislplay of current device and print to stdout */ void directory(char *s){ int i,len = string2pet(s); sendbuffer[0] = DIR; sendbuffer[1] = len; memcpy(&sendbuffer[2],s,len); send(fd,sendbuffer,len+2,0); do{ len = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); if (len){ for(i=0;i 3) puts(helptext[cmd]); else { if (token[1][0] == '"') remotefile = &token[1][1]; else remotefile = &token[1][0]; if (tokens == 2) localfile = remotefile; else localfile = token[2]; if ((f = fopen(localfile,"wb"))==NULL){ perror(localfile); return; } string2pet(remotefile); fnlen = strlen(remotefile); sendbuffer[0] = READ; sendbuffer[1] = fnlen; memcpy(&sendbuffer[2],remotefile,fnlen); send(fd,sendbuffer,fnlen+2,0); do{ len = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); // len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len,0); if (len) fwrite (filebuffer,1,len,f); }while(len == 128); fclose(f); } } /* write * - write contents of localfile to remotefile on c64's current device */ void write_file(void){ int fnlen,len; char *localfile,*remotefile; FILE *f; if (tokens < 2 || tokens > 3) puts(helptext[cmd]); else { localfile = token[1]; if (tokens == 2) remotefile = localfile; else{ if (token[2][0] == '"') remotefile = &token[2][1]; else remotefile = &token[2][0]; } if ((f = fopen(localfile,"rb")) == NULL){ perror(localfile); return; } string2pet(remotefile); fnlen = strlen(remotefile); /* first we send request to open the write file */ sendbuffer[0] = WRITE; sendbuffer[1] = fnlen; memcpy(&sendbuffer[2],remotefile,fnlen); send (fd,sendbuffer,fnlen+2,0); /* and wait for OK from c64 */ // len = recv(fd,sendbuffer,sizeof(sendbuffer),0); len = recv(fd, sendbuffer, 2,0); if (sendbuffer[0]){ puts("an error occured..."); fclose(f); return; } /* now we transfer the file */ while (!feof(f)){ len = fread(filebuffer,1,128,f); sendbuffer[0] = XWRITE; sendbuffer[1] = len; memcpy(&sendbuffer[2],filebuffer,len); send(fd,sendbuffer,len+2,0); /* and wait after each packet for a (any) response from c64 */ // len = recv(fd,sendbuffer,sizeof(sendbuffer),0); len = recv(fd, sendbuffer, 2,0); } /* at last we send a OK, so the c64 can close the file */ sendbuffer[0] = XDONE; send(fd,sendbuffer,1,0); fclose(f); } } /* put * - transfer a file from pc to c64 memory */ void put(void){ FILE *f; char *filename; unsigned load_addr,len,bytes = 0; // char hi,lo; if (tokens < 2 || tokens > 3) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ filename = token[1]; if ((f = fopen(filename,"rb")) == NULL){ perror(filename); return; } /* if no load addres is given read it from file, else use the given one */ if (tokens == 3) sscanf(token[2],"%x",&load_addr); else load_addr = fgetc(f) + fgetc(f) * 256; printf("sending %s to $%04x ",filename,load_addr); /* now send the file's data packet-wise */ while(!feof(f)){ len = fread(filebuffer,1,128,f); //read len bytes data from file sendbuffer[0] = PUT; // setup "put" request... sendbuffer[1] = len; sendbuffer[2] = 0; //unused... sendbuffer[3] = (load_addr & 0x0000ff); sendbuffer[4] = (load_addr & 0x00ff00) >> 8; sendbuffer[5] = (load_addr & 0xff0000) >> 16; memcpy(&sendbuffer[6],filebuffer,len); //copy the actual data into the packet send(fd,sendbuffer,len+6,0); //and send it... load_addr += len; bytes += len; len = recv(fd,filebuffer,2,0); // wait for response and loop } printf("- $%04x\n",load_addr); fclose(f); printf("%d bytes transferred\n",bytes); } } /* get * - get memory from c64 and save to a file */ void get(void){ unsigned from, to; char *filename; FILE *f; int len; if (tokens != 4) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); filename = token[3]; if ((f = fopen(filename,"wb")) == NULL){ perror(filename); return; } fputc(from & 0xff,f); fputc(from >> 8 ,f); while (from < to){ if ((len = to - from) >= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from,len); // len = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from); #endif fwrite(filebuffer,len,1,f); from += len; } fclose(f); } } /* g * - make c64 jump to the given address */ void jump(void){ unsigned jump_addr; if (tokens != 2) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ sscanf(token[1],"%x",&jump_addr); sendbuffer[0] = JUMP; sendbuffer[1] = (jump_addr & 0xff); sendbuffer[2] = (jump_addr & 0xff00) >> 8; send(fd,sendbuffer,3,0); } } /* call * - call subroutine at the given address, wait for RTS */ void call(void){ unsigned sys_addr; unsigned a,x,y,s,i; a = x = y = s = 0; if (tokens <2 || tokens > 6) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ sscanf(token[1],"%x",&sys_addr); if (tokens > 2) sscanf(token[2],"%x",&a); if (tokens > 3) sscanf(token[3],"%x",&x); if (tokens > 4) sscanf(token[4],"%x",&y); if (tokens > 5) sscanf(token[5],"%x",&s); sendbuffer[0] = SYS; sendbuffer[1] = sys_addr & 0xff; sendbuffer[2] = sys_addr >> 8; sendbuffer[3] = a; sendbuffer[4] = x; sendbuffer[5] = y; sendbuffer[6] = s; send(fd,sendbuffer,7,0); recv(fd,sendbuffer,4,0); a = sendbuffer[0]; x = sendbuffer[1]; y = sendbuffer[2]; s = sendbuffer[3]; printf("returned from $%04x with\n.A .X .Y SR NV-BDIZC\n%02x %02x %02x %02x ",sys_addr,a,x,y,s); for (i=0;i<8;++i){ s & 0x80 ? putchar('1') : putchar('0'); s <<= 1; } putchar('\n'); } } /* detect address mode for a given opcode; used for disassembly */ int mode (unsigned char opcode){ if (opcode == 0x20) return ABS; if (opcode < 0x80){ if (opcode == 0x24) return ZP; if (opcode == 0x6c) return IND; opcode &= 0x1f; if (opcode == 0) return IMPL; if (opcode == 1) return INDX; return table1[opcode]; } else{ if (opcode == 0x80) return IMPL; if (opcode == 0xa2) return IMM; if (opcode == 0x89) return IMPL; if (opcode == 0xd4) return IMPL; if (opcode == 0xf4) return IMPL; if (opcode == 0xd6) return ZPX; if (opcode == 0xf6) return ZPX; if (opcode == 0xbc) return ABSX; if (opcode == 0x9e) return IMPL; if (opcode == 0xbe) return ABSY; opcode &= 0x1f; return table2[opcode]; } } /* d * - get data from c64, disassemble and print to stdout */ /* this one is a late night hack, could suerly be optimized...! but it works.*/ void disassembly (void) { static unsigned from = 0; unsigned to; int len,i,j = 1; unsigned char *p; // unsigned char opcode; if (tokens > 3) puts (helptext[cmd]); else { if (tokens > 1) sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); to = from + 0x30; if (tokens > 2) sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); while (from < to){ if ((len = to - from) >= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from,len); // len = recv(fd, filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer),0); len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from); #endif p = &filebuffer[0]; for (i = 0; i < len; i += j){ printf("%04x ",from + i); switch (mode(*p)){ case IMM: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s #$%02x",mnemo[*p],*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case ABS: printf("%02x %02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1),*(p+2)); printf(" %s $%04x",mnemo[*p],*(p+1) + *(p+2) * 256); j = 3; break; case ABSX: printf("%02x %02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1),*(p+2)); printf(" %s $%04x,x",mnemo[*p],*(p+1) + *(p+2) * 256); j = 3; break; case ABSY: printf("%02x %02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1),*(p+2)); printf(" %s $%04x,y",mnemo[*p],*(p+1) + *(p+2) * 256); j = 3; break; case ZP: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s $%02x",mnemo[*p],*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case ZPX: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s $%02x,x",mnemo[*p],*(p+2)); j = 2; break; case ZPY: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s $%02x,y",mnemo[*p],*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case AKKU: printf("%02x ",*p); printf(" %s a",mnemo[*p]); j = 1; break; case INDX: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s ($%02x,x)",mnemo[*p],*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case INDY: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s ($%02x),y",mnemo[*p],*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case REL: printf("%02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1)); printf(" %s $%04x",mnemo[*p],(from + i + 2) + (signed char)*(p+1)); j = 2; break; case IND: printf("%02x %02x %02x ",*p,*(p+1),*(p+2)); printf(" %s ($%04x)",mnemo[*p],*(p+1) + *(p+2) * 256); j = 3; break; case IMPL: printf("%02x ",*p); printf(" %s",mnemo[*p]); j = 1; } putchar('\n'); p += j; } from += len; } } } /* m * - memory peek of c64 memory */ void mon(void){ static unsigned from = 0; unsigned to; int len,i,j,col; char c; int width = 8; //bytes per line, adjust to your preferences...! if (tokens > 3) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ /* parse parameters: m [from [to]] */ if (tokens > 1) sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); to = from + 0x100; if (tokens > 2) sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); /* request memory from c64 */ while (from < to){ if ((len = to - from) >= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from,len); // len = recv(fd, filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer),0); len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from); #endif /* display it to stdout */ for(i=0;i= len) break; printf("%02x ",filebuffer[i+j]); col += 3; } while (col++ < (7 + width*3)) putchar(' '); printf(" | "); col += 3; for(j=0;j= len) break; putchar(isprint(filebuffer[i+j])?filebuffer[i+j]:'.'); ++col; } while(col++ < (10+width*3+width)) putchar(' '); printf(" | "); for(j=0;j= len) break; c = pet2asc(filebuffer[i+j]); putchar(isprint(c)?c:'.'); } } from += len; } puts("\n"); } } /* i * - petascii dump */ void interrogate(void){ static unsigned from; unsigned to; int len,i; char c; if (tokens > 3) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ if (tokens > 1) sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); to = from + 0x400; if (tokens > 2) sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); while (from < to){ if ((len = to - from) >= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from,len); // len = recv(fd, filebuffer, sizeof(filebuffer),0); len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from); #endif for (i=0;i> 8); sendbuffer[4] = (to & 0xff); sendbuffer[5] = (to >> 8); send (fd,sendbuffer,6,0); } } /* h * - get memory and hunt for occurances of search pattern */ void hunt(void){ unsigned i,len; char pattern[128],*mem; unsigned from,to,size; if (tokens < 4) puts(helptext[cmd]); else { sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); if (from >= to) return; size = to - from; if ((mem = (char*)malloc(size))==NULL){ perror(NULL); return; } if (token[3][0] == '"'){ strncpy(pattern,&token[3][1],sizeof(pattern)); string2pet(pattern); } else{ len = 0; for (i=3;i= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from + i,len); // len = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); len = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from + i); #endif memcpy(mem + i,filebuffer,len); } kmp_search(pattern,mem,size,from); free(mem); } } /* c * - get two memory areas and compare them, print differences to stdout */ void compare(void){ unsigned from,to,with,size,i,len,rlen,missmatch; char *buf1,*buf2,*b1,*b2; if (tokens != 4) puts(helptext[cmd]); else{ sscanf(token[1],"%x",&from); sscanf(token[2],"%x",&to); sscanf(token[3],"%x",&with); if (from >= to) return; size = to - from; if ((buf1 = (char*)malloc(size)) == NULL){ perror(NULL); return; } if ((buf2 = (char*)malloc(size)) == NULL){ perror(NULL); return; } for (i = 0; i < size; i += len){ if ((len = size - i) >= 128) len = 128; #if 0 send_memory_request(from + i,len); // rlen = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); rlen = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else rlen = read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, from + i); #endif memcpy(buf1 + i,filebuffer,rlen); #if 0 send_memory_request(with + i,len); // rlen = recv(fd,filebuffer,sizeof(filebuffer),0); rlen = recv(fd, filebuffer, len > sizeof(filebuffer) ? sizeof(filebuffer) : len,0); #else rlen = read_memory_block(filebuffer, len, with + i); #endif memcpy(buf2 + i,filebuffer,rlen); } missmatch = 0; b1 = buf1; b2 = buf2; for (i=0;i> 8; memcpy(&sendbuffer[4],values,len); send(fd,sendbuffer,len+4,0); } } /* help * ? * - help that poor user...! */ void help(void){ int i; if (tokens == 1){ for (i=0;i < COMMANDS;++i) puts(helptext[i]); } else{ for (i = 0;i < COMMANDS; ++i) if (strcmp(token[1],command_table[i])==0) break; if (i == COMMANDS) printf("no help available for %s\n",token[1]); else puts(helptext[i]); } } /* ram * rom * reu * - set ram access mode */ void setram(void){ int access; if (tokens > 2) puts (helptext[cmd]); if (strcmp(token[0],"rom") == 0) access = 0x37; else if (strcmp(token[0],"reu") == 0) access = 0xff; else{ if (tokens == 1) access = 0x34; else sscanf(token[1],"%x",&access); } sendbuffer[0] = SETRAM; sendbuffer[1] = access; send(fd,sendbuffer,2,0); } /* status * - tell server status */ void status(void){ // int len; sendbuffer[0] = STATUS; send(fd,sendbuffer,1,0); /*len = */ recv(fd,sendbuffer,2,0); printf("server reports:\nmemory access is $%02x",sendbuffer[0]); if (sendbuffer[0] & 0x80) printf("(REU)"); printf("\ncurrent device is %d\n",sendbuffer[1]); } /* cmd * - call system command */ void command(char *cmd) { int ret; if ((ret = system(cmd)) < 0) { printf("err: %s returned %d\n", cmd, ret); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cleanup(int n) { chameleon_close(); return n; } #define C64_RAM_SIZE 0x10000 unsigned char buffer[C64_RAM_SIZE]; int main (int argc, char ** argv) { unsigned int n,direct_flag = 0,len,addr; int i; #ifdef LINUX /* for readline */ char *cline = NULL; #endif char *name = NULL, *fname; /* set default values */ old_cmd = 0; /* parse command line for options (-ip, -p)*/ for (i=1;i 2) continue; else cmd = old_cmd; } else { //treat special commands: $,#,@ if (string[0] == '@'){ disk_command(&string[1]); continue; } else if (string[0] == '$'){ directory(string); continue; } else if (string[0] == '#'){ device(&string[1]); continue; } // parse input into tokens tokens = tokenize(string); if (tokens == 0) continue; //let's look, if the first token is a known command... for(cmd = 0; cmd < COMMANDS; ++cmd){ if (strcmp(token[0],command_table[cmd]) == 0) break; } //not found...?! what a pity. if (cmd == COMMANDS){ printf("what exactly do you mean by: '%s'\ntype 'help' to get some help\n",token[0]); continue; } old_cmd = cmd; } if (cmd == 22 || cmd == 23) break; //"quit" or "x" // call the according function, then loop switch (cmd){ case 0: mon(); break; case 1: interrogate(); break; case 2: disassembly(); break; case 3: jump(); break; case 4: hunt(); break; case 5: fill(); break; case 6: compare(); break; case 7: put(); break; case 8: get(); break; case 9: poke(); break; //10 $ directory //11 @ disk_command //12 # device case 13: read_file(); break; case 14: write_file(); break; case 15: sendbuffer[0] = RUN; send (fd,sendbuffer,1,0); break; case 16: sendbuffer[0] = BASIC; send (fd,sendbuffer,1,0); break; case 17: case 18: case 19: setram(); break; case 20: case 21: help(); break; //22 quit //23 x case 24: status(); break; case 25: sendbuffer[0] = INIT; send (fd,sendbuffer,1,0); break; case 26: call(); break; case 27: string[0] = '\0'; for (n=1;n