///----------------------------------------------------------------- /// /// @file ChFrm.h /// @author stefan /// Created: 26.07.2010 09:12:50 /// @section DESCRIPTION /// ChFrm class declaration /// ///------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef __CHFRM_H__ #define __CHFRM_H__ #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include //Do not add custom headers between //Header Include Start and Header Include End. //wxDev-C++ designer will remove them. Add custom headers after the block. ////Header Include Start #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ////Header Include End #include "Dbg.h" #include "TaskMgr.h" ////Dialog Style Start #undef ChFrm_STYLE #define ChFrm_STYLE wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE | wxCAPTION | wxSYSTEM_MENU | wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxCLOSE_BOX | wxFRAME_SHAPED ////Dialog Style End class ChFrm : public wxFrame , public dbgOut { private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); public: ChFrm(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString &title = wxT("Chaco"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize(801,501), long style = ChFrm_STYLE); virtual ~ChFrm(); void WxButton1Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxSpinCtrl1Click(wxSpinEvent& event); void ChFrmActivate(wxActivateEvent& event); void WxButton1Click0(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton2Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void setText(wxDateTime now,std::string text); void WxButton3Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void outPrint(std::string); void setGauge(int pos); void WxButton4Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton6Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton5Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void GUIUpdate(wxTimerEvent& event); void filechooser2Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void memreaderClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxEdit1Updated(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton7Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton3Click0(wxCommandEvent& event); void bitmapprinterClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void setjtagslotClick(wxSpinEvent& event); void WxSpinCtrl2TextUpdated(wxCommandEvent& event ); void writeImgButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxButton3Click1(wxCommandEvent& event); void readImgButtonClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void writeSlotClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void readSlotClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void WxCheckBox1Click(wxCommandEvent& event); void setButtonStates(bool state); void StartBootloaderClick(wxCommandEvent& event); private: wxStaticText *WxStaticText7; //Do not add custom control declarations between //GUI Control Declaration Start and GUI Control Declaration End. //wxDev-C++ will remove them. Add custom code after the block. ////GUI Control Declaration Start wxTimer *WxTimer1; wxButton *StartBootloader; wxStaticText *WxStaticText6; wxStaticText *WxStaticText5; wxStaticText *WxStaticText4; wxButton *readSlot; wxButton *writeSlot; wxButton *writeImgButton; wxButton *readImgButton; wxStaticText *WxStaticText3; wxSpinCtrl *WxSpinCtrl2; wxTextCtrl *WxEdit5; wxTextCtrl *WxEdit4; wxTextCtrl *WxEdit3; wxStaticText *WxStaticText2; wxTextCtrl *WxEdit2; wxSpinCtrl *WxSpinCtrl1; wxCheckBox *WxCheckBox1; wxButton *WxButton7; wxButton *memreader; wxStaticText *WxStaticText1; wxTextCtrl *WxEdit1; wxGauge *WxGauge1; wxButton *WxButton5; wxButton *WxButton2; wxButton *WxButton1; ////GUI Control Declaration End wxTextCtrl * LogWindow; wxString * coreFilename; wxString * hexFilename; std::string coreFilenameStd; int coreNumber; private: //Note: if you receive any error with these enum IDs, then you need to //change your old form code that are based on the #define control IDs. //#defines may replace a numeric value for the enum names. //Try copy and pasting the below block in your old form header files. enum { ////GUI Enum Control ID Start ID_STARTBOOTLOADER = 1039, ID_WXTIMER1 = 1011, ID_WXSTATICTEXT7 = 1038, ID_WXSTATICTEXT6 = 1037, ID_WXSTATICTEXT5 = 1036, ID_WXSTATICTEXT4 = 1035, ID_READSLOT = 1034, ID_WRITESLOT = 1033, ID_WRITEIMGBUTTON = 1032, ID_READIMGBUTTON = 1030, ID_WXSTATICTEXT3 = 1029, ID_WXSPINCTRL2 = 1028, ID_WXEDIT5 = 1027, ID_WXEDIT4 = 1025, ID_WXEDIT3 = 1024, ID_WXSTATICTEXT2 = 1023, ID_WXEDIT2 = 1021, ID_WXSPINCTRL1 = 1020, ID_WXCHECKBOX1 = 1017, ID_WXBUTTON7 = 1016, ID_MEMREADER = 1015, ID_WXSTATICTEXT1 = 1014, ID_WXEDIT1 = 1013, ID_WXGAUGE1 = 1010, ID_WXBUTTON5 = 1008, ID_WXBUTTON2 = 1003, ID_WXBUTTON1 = 1002, ////GUI Enum Control ID End ID_DUMMY_VALUE_ //don't remove this value unless you have other enum values }; private: void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void CreateGUIControls(); }; wxString toWxString(std::string string); std::string toStdString(wxString string); #endif